
From Generic Cooking Game Wiki

The stove is a kitchen appliance in the game. It is used to cook raw ingredients, primarily meat such as steak and bacon. There are four stoves available for players to use.

Features[edit | edit source]

Cooking[edit | edit source]

Each stove can be turned on and off. Once on, in order to cook an item, the player must put it inside a frying pan or boiling pot. Once the pan or pot is on the stove, the item will begin cooking, making a "DING!" noise when fully cooked. If the item is left on the stove, it will overcook and begin to burn. If an item is placed directly onto a stove, it will catch flames, cook almost immediately, and burn.

Recipes that use Stove[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • TBA