
From Generic Cooking Game Wiki

Steak is a meat ingredient and a recipe that could be made inside the game. It can be found raw inside the Cryo Room.


The steak when raw appears to have a bright red color with white fat, which slowly becomes more of a brownish color when being cooked.

How to Serve[edit]

  • Obtain 1 steak and lightly salt it.
  • Cook on the stove using the frying pan.


The are 3 variants of the steak.


This is a regular steak that can be obtained directly from the cryo room.

Steak Patty[edit]

You can get a steak patty by putting steak in the Meat Grinder.


4 meatballs can be obtained by slicing the steak patty with a knife.

Recipes that use Steak[edit]



  • Steaks have been redesigned in Beta Update 2.4.
    • And despite this, the dish image in the recipe still uses old design.