Cryo Room
From Generic Cooking Game Wiki
Cryo Room[edit]
The cryo room is a location in the game. It is a storage room that contains all of the frozen ingredients in the game.
The room acts as a storing area for all frozen ingredients, which includes meat, fish, and dairy products. All ingredients are stored in boxes, similar to ingredients that can be found in the pantry, on top of metal shelves.
This is a list of ingredients that can be found in the cryo room, listed from left to right, top to bottom per rack.
- Pepperoni
- Bacon Slice
- Chicken Leg
- Sausage
- Cod
- Salmon
- Steak
- Turkey
- Milk
- Prawn
- Cheese Bag
- Cheese Slice
- Egg
- Chicken Breast
- Players can access the outside through the cryo room.