Game Updates
From Generic Cooking Game Wiki
This is a list of Generic Cooking Game updates. The format for dates is DD/MM/YYYY.
01/11/2024 (Update 2.16)[edit]
- Limited time Billy the Wizard Shop
- Halloween Cookies
22/10/2024 (Update 2.15)[edit]
- 🎃 The map has received a spooky makeover 👻 🎃
- Fire extinguisher revamp also
07/10/2024 (Update 2.14)[edit]
- Improved tutorial
- Revamped old 'Utensil' menu into the 'Locator' menu
01/10/2024 (Update 2.13.1)[edit]
- Fixed feature to move objects closer/further using DPAD on console
- Re-added pinch gesture to move objects closer/further on mobile
- Action buttons on mobile shifted so they are not covered by the 'Utensils' button
29/09/2024 (Update 2.13)[edit]
- Added borscht recipe
- Amount of customers that arrive in the shop is proportional to the amount of players in the server
- Performance optimisations
- Added setting to hide object controls for mobile by default when grabbing a new object
- We have added FREE solo servers!
21/09/2024 (Update 2.12)[edit]
- Once an item is chopped, if it was originally plated, its products will now snap onto the platable surface
- Items will now only be chopped once the chop action is activated
20/09/2024 (Update 2.11)[edit]
- Added mobile controls to rotate and move objects closer / further away
17/09/2024 (Update 2.10.1)[edit]
- Updated UI
- Easier to snap blender module onto blender
- Added crouching
15/09/2024 (Update 2.10)[edit]
- Added new egg tart recipe
- UI changes
- Fixed Dumpling sheet collisions
- Customer default patience 300s -> 350s
- Food in private servers no longer despawns, players have full control over when cleanup occurs
- Earn 12xp per dish served as a base + 5xp earnt for every additional difficulty star
04/09/2024 (Update 2.9)[edit]
- Added grilled cheese
- Minor bug fixes
03/09/2024 (Update 2.8.5)[edit]
- People can no longer use a ladle on your liquid pots if they don't own it
- Recipes will now be displayed on the side of your screen as soon as you claim an order from a customer. This feature can be turned off in the settings
01/09/2024 (Update 2.8.4)[edit]
- Fixed frying basket not allowing inserted items to be cooked
- Left handside button cluster redesigned
24/08/2024 (Update 2.8.3)[edit]
- Added "Fine Dining" Pack
- Next update will contain the last recipes for a while...
21/08/2024 (Update 2.8.2)[edit]
- Added food basket
- Improved game UI
- Added measuring cup utensil
- Reduced game memory usage
15/08/2024 (Update 2.8.1)[edit]
- 2 New recipes: Gazpacho and Onion Soup
- New ingredient: Red Bell Pepper
15/08/2024 (Update 2.8)[edit]
- Egg sushi should now be fixed
- New Japan Decoration Pack
12/08/2024 (Update 2.7.4)[edit]
- Utensils are now subject to grab ownership permissions. A maximum of 2 utensils can be owned, of which only 1 utensil per utensil type can be owned.
- Transitioned from "R$" to new robux icon
10/08/2024 (Update 2.7.3)[edit]
- Fixed rating system on cakes which would previously cause a lower rating
- Added extra info to the gamepasses page in the menu
- Added manager apron to holders of manager gamepass
09/08/2024 (Update 2.7.2)[edit]
- Restricted the purchase of hat crates in regions where they are banned
- Added food eating gamepass
- Bug fixes
05/08/2024 (Update 2.7.1)[edit]
- Grab permissions should be fully fixed now in new servers. As it turns out, when any player left a server, all the objects in the game which had an owner would have the ownership reset. This should no longer happen 😱
04/08/2024 (Update 2.7)[edit]
- Added cakes
- Slight kitchen expansion
- Bug fixes
- Added level 35 servers 😱
28/07/2024 (Update 2.6.1)[edit]
- New aprons 🙂
- Object ownership fixes for chopping and molding and placement of food on plates.
16/07/2024 (Update 2.6)[edit]
- Added blueberries
- New pizza varieties
- Blueberry milkshake
- More cash when you buy with robux : )
- Customer timer resets when you claim the customer
- New player "Customer Patience" player upgrade which increases the amount of time the customer will wait when you claim them
- Graphics should look nicer on low graphics settings
- Hot dog snaps to hot dog bun now
- Bug fixes (grabbing rice, scooping ice cream should no longer be weird... hopefully)
07/07/2024 (Update 2.5.1)[edit]
- Fan effect buffed from 5s -> 15s
- Fan price reduced from $1900 -> $900
06/07/2024 (Update 2.5)[edit]
- Player upgrades
- Improved tutorial
- BTS Optimisations
28/06/2024 (Update 2.4.1)[edit]
- BTS optimisations and bug fixes
25/05/2024 (Update 2.4)[edit]
- Mac n' Cheese recipe
- Oranges ingredient
- Performance enhancements (We have made anything that rotates, stop rotating for the time being as we have discovered that it causes performance issues)
- Solar panel upgrades should be fixed
08/05/2024 (Update 2.3)[edit]
- New butter chicken recipe!
- Solar panel system overhaul
- Bug fixes
27/04/2024 (Update 2.5)[edit]
- Increases to cash per robux tier
- Creative servers have been released!
- Quick fix for some hats being invisible released
18/04/2024 (Update 2)[edit]
- Manager minimum menu size is now 6
- Hobo Joe Shop
- UI Update
- Recipe Mastery
- New recipe UI
06/04/2024 (Update 1)[edit]
- Added ice cream
- Added chicken nuggets
- Added whipped cream
- Added chocolate strawberries
(Waffles can also be coloured now, just add an extra ingredient such as strawberry for it to take effect)
- Ranked: Level 15 and VC Only Servers now available!
- Added waffles
- Fixed cleaning UI
- Added new manager controls for players (Hover your mouse / dot over a player to bring up options panel)
- Removed Christmas update
- Added manager gamepass
- Fixed taste bug
- Fixed bug where water canister is not orderable
- New food image renders
- Made close time longer
- Added watermelon + watermelon recipes
- Added donuts
- Bug fixes
- Added festive biscuits
- Modifications to object collisions
- Bug fixes
- Performance enhancements
- Added back old mobile FPV button
- Fixed inventory not scaling properly
13/12/2023 (Christmas update)[edit]
- Christmas customers that give candy
- Use candy to buy christmas crates
- Added Turkey and Hot Chocolate
- Christmas map
- A huge code rewrite has happened in this update.
26/11/2023 (Sink update)[edit]
- Added sink with functioning taps
- Clean dirty plates for money and xp
- Lower body of character is no longer invisible in first person
- rice molding for consoles is fixed
- Order board is now back!
- We have received reports of customers occasionally not accepting the food being served to them. We have now resolved the issue and new servers should no longer have this problem.
17/11/2023 (Sushi update)[edit]
29/10/2023 (Halloween update, phase 2)[edit]
- Fixes the character collision issues
- Dumplings and candied apple should be rated properly now
- New basement shrine
- Day extended
- Energy reduction speed slower
19/10/2023 (Halloween update, phase 1)[edit]
- New Halloween Map
- New Halloween recipes
- A variety of bug fixes
- 3 dumpling sheets per dough are now produced
- New Halloween customer
- New rewards system
- I have added a toggle in settings which disables shadows
- Addition of trucks along with the new restocking system, delivering crates grants you commission and money
- You can enable the instant delivery option at the cost of commission
- Added dumpling skins
- Added steaming baskets
- Added chicken breast
- Added mushrooms
- Added meatballs
- Added spaghetti
23/07/2023 (Tart update)[edit]
- Added tart
- Fixed a lot of bugs
23/07/2023 (Sandwich update)[edit]
- Added blt sandwich
- Added tomato slice
- Added setting inside the menu
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Added a cooldown feature to items (people will no longer be able to steal your food)
- Added the ability to remove hats from the avatar customizer
20/07/2023 (Hotdog update)[edit]
- Added hotdogs
- Added a basket despawn system
- Tweaked the lighting
- Added water canister
- Added milk carton
- Fixed badges
- Added buyable currency. Take a look at the shop
- Nerfed the price of crate
16/07/2023 (1 million visits update)[edit]
- Added 1million visits badge
- Added 1million visit tag
- Fixed chat & name tags crashing people
- Fixed the Enlightenment gamepass
- Fixed the ui's not scaling on device properly
- Added hat images
- Added day/night cycle
- Added chat & name tags for -> Group members, devs and premium players
- Nerfed the Enlightenment gamepass
- Added badges
- Added new sliceable items
- Added burger and steak to the customer list
- Added a ui that closes every ui
- Added a command list ui
- Added a changelog list ui
- Added some more items to the /clear command
- Added rarity colors
- Adjusted some ui's
- Fixed some bugs
12/07/2023 (Burger update)[edit]
- Added new burger recipe
- Added new donation leaderboard
- Added back the tinfoil hat
- Fixed some ui size and font
- Gamepasses now show a new text if you own them
- Fixed case animation
- Performance improved
- Bug fixes
- crates update live!