Ordering Supplies
Ordering Supplies[edit]
Order Supplies[edit]
To order supplies, first go into the Office. Use the laptop sitting on the desk to open the order supplies menu. Click up to 10 ingredients to add to your cart. If you want to skip the rest of the steps in this article, you can pay $10 and use Instant Delivery, or purchase the Free Instant Delivery gamepass.
Go to the garage to get a truck. You can respawn broken or missing trucks by pressing the green button on the wall. Follow the path that appears when you get into the truck to go to the factory to get your supplies.
At the factory, your ordered supplies will be at the drop-site. Park the truck in the parking space inside of the factory and climb up the ladder or stairs to get to the drop-site on the second floor. Pick up each supply box and drop it into the truck. (If it doesn't stick to the bed of the truck it will move around when you start driving.) Once the truck is filled, drive back to the garage.
Unloading the Truck[edit]
Back into the garage and put the bed of the truck up against the conveyer belt. Exit the truck and pull the truck lever located on the back-left side of the truck. This will push your supplies onto the conveyer belt and increase the supply amount in the pantry/cryo. Each box that is delivered pays you $1.47.