
From Generic Cooking Game Wiki

Butter is a dairy ingredient that can be found in the back pantry.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Making butter chicken[edit | edit source]

Main page: Butter Chicken
Melt some butter in a boiling pot along with the blended onion and tomatoes, to make the sauce for butter chicken.

Making cupcakes[edit | edit source]

Main page: Cupcakes
Blend butter along with milk, egg, and flour to make cupcake batter.

Making pancake[edit | edit source]

Main page: Pancake
Add a butter slice to a pancake.

Variants[edit | edit source]

There are 2 variants of butter.

Butter[edit | edit source]

This is a whole stick of butter that can obtained directly from the pantry.

Butter Slice[edit | edit source]

Three butter slices can be obtained by slicing butter with a knife.

Recipes that use Butter[edit | edit source]